OCEC | Overseas Cultural Exchange Consultants - Hero Image


Hosting a Student

No. Your student is coming to experience a different way of life, and that includes different foods such as breakfast cereals, sandwich lunches etc, so prepare your normal home-style meals.
A little …maybe more He/she may know quite a lot of English but may be too shy to try it out with you, just in case they may make a mistake. These students all study English at school and can usually read very well but may have difficulty understanding our Australian accent. If this should happen write down the word or sentence you are saying. Speaking clearly and slowly also helps.
Our visiting students have mastered the art of living in small homes. If you cannot offer a private room, consider that he or she share the room with his host sister or brother, or even a younger sibling.
Yes. If you are happy about your own children’s well being after school the student can fit in with your normal arrangements. Ask another host family to assist in the afternoons when your family members are out.
Most students will have their own mobile phone. If this should happen please contact your coordinator and you will be reimbursed.
If the student falls ill or has an accident, they are fully covered for any medical and hospital expenses incurred. For doctor’s bills they will need to pay at the time of the service but will be able to claim on their insurance when they return to their own country. If an emergency does occur, it is best to inform the group coordinator immediately.
He or she will leave for school with your children and come home at the same time. He or she will also have excursions during their time at school.
Families are not expected to take the students on expensive outings. On weekends they can accompany you on a picnic, share in a barbeque, go shopping or watch sport. In other words, treat them as a member of your family during their stay.
An application form is available on this website. Once you submit your details, your family will be contacted. You will be matched with a student and you will receive photos and details of your student. You can then contact him or her, usually by email and begin your friendship.


Visting Students

Please send an email, in English, to OCEC or contact a local agent who will assist you with the process.
Once you have forwarded OCEC your profile and any special requests, we will begin email contact and provide you with more detail of possible locations.
This varies depending on the length of stay and the school which you will be attending. For a group tour at a Private School you will wear your own school uniform. For longer stay students, a local school uniform can purchased or hired at a minimum cost. For an Australian or New Zealand experience tour a list of suitable clothing will be suggested at the time of booking.
All students require medical and accident insurance cover issued in their country of origin prior to travelling to Australia or New Zealand. This can be arranged by your local agent. For long term students insurance cover can be arranged in Australia.